The Ultimate
Course Creation Checklist
Creating a course from scratch can seem pretty overwhelming – especially if you’ve never created one before.
The Ultimate Idea-to-Launch Course Creation Checklist will help you plan out everything that is needed to take your course from idea to launch.
There is a separate list of tasks that should be completed at each stage of the process.
The checklist will guide you through the process and make sure that you don’t forget important steps along the way.
Pre-course Tasks
Crucial decisions that need to be made before you start.
Outlining & planning
Time to get it all out of your head and written down.
Production tasks
The hands-on, practical part of the process, where you create your content.
Get ready to sell
All the final tasks you need to complete to sell your course.
Here’s what you get:
1. A PDF with 5 separate checklists
The tasks are separated into 5 phases of the course creation process, Pre-course tasks, Outlining & Planning tasks, Production tasks, Platform Setup tasks and Promotion tasks.
2. A video that walks you through the checklist
Get the checklist
Pop in your details below and you’ll be checking off those tasks in no time.
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