Case Study: Sage Futuremakers

The Project Details
Website design
The Sage Futuremakers project is a fantastic initiative of the Sage Foundation. They aim to help address the challenges young people face with a changing workforce due to digital transformation. They are providing free, interactive workshops for young people, teaching them how to use AI to solve real-world problems. Empowering young people from all walks of life and across the globe.
The brief was to create a website that would appeal to both teachers, guardians and parents as well as young people all within the parameters of the Sage corporate identity guidelines. Photographs of previous workshops were provided and used throughout the site.
To address the challenge of having two different audiences (teachers, guardians and parents & young people) I created two ‘doorways’ to access information on the workshops. The first would appeal to the decision-makers with information to address their questions and concerns.
The second ‘doorway’ leads to a page that appeals to young people with some fun graphics and an interactive quiz for them to take. I really enjoyed designing this page as well as conceptualising and creating the interactive quiz.
“I worked with Lisa on a microsite for Sage FutureMakers, a program that teaches young people how to use AI to solve social justice issues in their local communities.
Lisa is deadline driven and a pleasure to work with – she used her initiative when designing the site and paid great attention to the flow, imagery, target audience and user experience – all critical elements to ensure engagement and to fulfil our objective of generating sign-ups for the program”
More design elements
Home page
Workshop info page for teachers, guardians and parents
Regional pages detailing where they can attend the workshops
Workshop info page for learners with interactive quiz