Case Study: Argon

Argon Case study laptop mockup
Argon mockupimage

The Project Details

Website design

Argon Business Solutions assist their clients with their ERP and business management software requirements and pride themselves on their implementation and support methodologies. They’d been going through some changes and needed a new website. The old site not only looked outdated but they also needed to remove certain products from their offering and add in some new ones.

They did not have a defined corporate identity but wanted to keep their logo and use the colours in the logo (green and light grey). Because this was quite a limited palette to work with I also introduced a darker grey, near black and navy blue – the 5 colour palette being a little easier to work with. I selected ‘Heebo’ font for the headings and ‘Lato’ for the body text.

More design elements

Home page

awaken-your-goddess landing page

One of their services pages

About and contact pages