Here are 4, Marie Kondo-style tips to help you declutter your site.
1. Start with your home page
2. Let’s get navigating
3. Now the sub-pages
4. About's and Contact's
If your About Us page isn’t a goal-oriented sales page that focuses on highlighting your unique selling points, your story and your brand, you are missing out on making a strong impression on curious prospects. Next, make sure your Contact page provides all of your contact information (but drop that fax number) and make sure that the process of getting in touch with you is simple. If your form is too long, your prospects won’t want to fill it out. Ain’t nobody got time for long contact forms.
So, what do you think, will these tips work for you? We’d love to hear about it so if you are going to give any of them a try, please let us know in the comments section below.
If you’d like some help decluttering your website, get in touch, I’d be happy to declutter it for you.